By Neutered - 27/11/2012 19:52 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I was enjoying a nice bath, when one of my cats jumped up on the rim and started purring. I thought it was sweet, until my other cat ran in and body-slammed the first into the tub with me. Being a conscientious cat owner, I hadn't de-clawed them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 140
You deserved it 6 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ow, I've had that before. Good on ya for not de-clawing though

by "Neutered (man)" Am I the only one who sees the beauty in that?


My dad chose not to declaw his cats.. It was pretty tough on him when one of the cats fell off his 6th storey balcony after jumping onto the ledge expecting to use its claws to steady itself. They say cats always land on their feet, but they don't mention the potential for breaking their hips :S

For all the people booing and hissing about declawing cats- There are many reasons to get a cat declawed. They could be destructive (as is destroying people as well as furniture.) It is ultimately better to declaw the cat than to give it up, as this kind of behavior would make adoption difficult. Another reason is that you may have medical conditions that could turn a simple scratch into a big deal. Should people with conditions like that not be allowed to have cats? Isn't it better to give a cat a loving home than to let it rot in a shelter or be thrown on the streets?

Twisted_Angel 17

#151, do you know how they declaw cats? they cut off the first nuckle. let's cut yours off and see how you like it. if you're worried about them being destructive, then don't get a cat. Its not humane, and illegal in many states.

Here's a revolutionary idea: If you don't have the skill with animals to deal with destructive behavior, and/or you have a medical condition that makes trivial scratches dangerous, then maybe someone else who can handle a cat WITHOUT needing to mangle it should adopt it. Adopting a pet isn't a "right". You aren't entitled to do it no matter what expense comes to the animal. If your situation means you can't be a good pet owner, you shouldn't be one. It's no different than if you couldn't afford to feed them.

Yes I DO know how they declaw cats. I have 2 declawed cats. Since I have diabetes, cuts don't heal well. I wasn't going to throw my cats on the street to die. The volunteer shelter was always overcrowded and would not take anymore cats. And we didn't have a single Human Society shelter within 100 miles. My cats are happy, healthy, and spoiled beyond belief. I put their needs before mine, and I love them just as much as if they were my children. I have gone without so I could care for them and make sure they are well loved. So before you judge someone, you should look at things from their point of view.

winkydog4056 16

How often does this actually happen to consider depriving cars of their claws!?

Ok # 1 this is not a usual thing that goes on with cats as I know as I have 5 cats that reside with me and no I am not the crazy cat lady. # 2 I have had only 1 cat in 20 years that loved water enough to even jump on the bathtub with another animal in the room. # 3 cats who are declawed can't defend themselves if they get outside. And OP I feel sorry for you as your in some major pain right now.

every cat Ive come into contact with was abused, and became mean later in life, and as a dumb kid, i would **** around and try to play with them and they would scratch or bite me. now, Im wary of cats and i kind of hate them. so glad I have a dog. however, i feel bad for you OP. cat scratches ******* hurt. i also feel bad for the cat that was tackled into the tub.

If you're not willing to have your furniture wrecked, don't get a ******* cat! It's not fair to hurt it because you don't like it instinctively scratching. Comes with the territory. And people who de-claw outdoor cats infuriate me.

#161: The cats defender gets infuriate.. Poor little boy.

I would like to point out that OP is a man, enjoying a bath, with multiple cats... I feel slightly conflicted..

TabooSushi 24

So a man can't take baths and own cats now? o.O

Apparently, TabooSushi. Personally, I find it way manlier for guys to do what they feel like without giving a damn what societal yardstick they're being measured by.

That's just bad luck, nothing to do with animal mutilations. I'm appalled to see how many people are so easy going with declawing their cat. I think you're looking for a toy: don't get a pet.