By Aliya - 01/03/2009 14:14 - United States

Today, I was eating nacho chips with my nieces when I started to feel that some were wet. I look at my niece and notice she was sucking on the chips, and putting them back in the bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 275
You deserved it 6 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xolotl 0

if you really consider this a FML, i envy your life.

how old were they??!!??:0 were u letting them drink beer underaged?!!?? :o


Bubs_fml 0

While not entirely FML worthy, you should teach that kid some damn manners, that's disgusting.

Exact same reason I can no longer eat cheese puffs. Except it was my cousin, who was 5, and me 8.

thinkpink 0

#21 My connotation of gay was meaning stupid. Not actually homosexual. I do not care to be politically correct. Also, you have no sense of humor.

Haha that's disgusting. I admit I do it, but only when I've got a bag of chips to myself.

This is why I hate children. Gay is not the same as stupid. And it doesn't matter how you mean it; it's still offensive.

12341234 0

Hahahaaahaaahahahahahhaaahahaaaa! Hahaaaa! lol tat is hilarious. I remeber the good old days where I used to suck sakatas in the car and then fling the now soggy pieces out of my car window.

member0987654321 0

eww the kid i babysit does that, i never share food with little kids :)

No, #8, give them a bowl and *you* keep the bag for yourself. That way, if the chips don't get finished, you can just close the bag, put it back, and then throw the chips from the bowl (which, by this point, would be soggy) away. That's a pretty funny story, though. Trust a kid to ignore common decorum and do what we all secretly (or not) want to do.