By joshualover - 23/09/2010 02:29 - United States

Today, I was driving through my neighborhood when I heard a siren. I looked into my rear view mirror and saw a motorcycle, so I pulled over. The motorcycle drove by, and it turned out to be an old lady with a leather jacket. The siren was in a song on the radio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 524
You deserved it 28 326

Same thing different taste


Caliskaterboy213 0

How is this an FML?? this is just some idiot that fails at life.....

23's comment is more interesting than this fml....

swimbre93 3

The 30 seconds it took you to pull over and realize it was not a cop and the siren was on a song constitutes as an FML? oh my, fyl for being so ridiculous.

deannagarcia 0
Trav72 5

Mercy, I must say you're my favorite person on here :D

Quest_ 13

Is this meant to be an FML because you spent an unnecessary 20 seconds pulling over then getting back onto the road? Or is it an FML because you're an infuriating idiot who: a) Can't tell when a sound is coming from the inside or outside of the car. b) Presumably listens to shitty ghetto rap from the early 90's with siren sound effects. c) Sees a motorbike and presumes it's a copper. d) Thinks this in any way, shape or form, remotely constitutes an FML.