By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, I was drinking in the park with my friends. Being drunk, I relieved myself on a nearby tree. Unknown to me, a 4 year old was having her birthday party 100 yards away. I was arrested for public intoxication and exposing myself to a minor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 926
You deserved it 73 762

Same thing different taste


oh I didn't realize that you can go on the internet when you are arrested=

bbygirl89 0

you deserve the drinking in public ticket, however, unless your 'exposing yourself to a minor' ticket gets dropped, you will get registered as a sex offender (which in my opinion is ridiculous because there was no sexual intention behind the act). Get a good lawyer, or you'll have that hanging over your head for the rest of your life.

lol that last charge will haunt you for the rest of your life

ThisRandomChild 0

Ur an accidental pervert >.

jbigjohn7414 0

Thts sounds like its off the movie Horrible bosses

Just a little more common sense. But shouldn't be branded as a sex offender. People seem to forget that there human. And we make mistakes. "stupid mistakes" I'm a defense lawyer. I try and help people that were wrongfully charged.

axeinthehead14 3

Haha atleast it wasn't a sandbox at night like in Horrible Bosses