By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 02:22 - United States

Today, I was cooking with super hot ghost peppers. The package said "After handling them not to touch your eyes, nose or pets". They should've added "penis" to that list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 036
You deserved it 62 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sadefa 3

12 hours from now, you'll be napalming the bowl.

luluskyes 3

ouuuch!! I can't begin to imagine all the pain you are officially feeling... **** your life, INDEED... (: hope your penis feels better soon!! C;

ninjuh_wingman 29

Handling super hot peppers, then handling penis. Jeez i wonder what happened in between...

Supergirl2012 4

why in the hell would you touch your penis??

perdix 29

Wash your hands thoroughly, then Google it. . . then google yourself ;) You'll thank me for it, but wait until you are finished before you think of me.

amreggie 0

Ummm...your touching yourself while cooking??? Note to self, don't eat ove at your place lol

flux_panic 18

Well if you weren't to touch your eyes, nose, or pets, I'm guessing it's a given not to grab your dick.. Well maybe that's just my opinion..

It did say not to touch your pets...