By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 02:22 - United States

Today, I was cooking with super hot ghost peppers. The package said "After handling them not to touch your eyes, nose or pets". They should've added "penis" to that list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 036
You deserved it 62 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments


SheepShoop_fml 20

Oh shoot, that sucks. It's like poison ivy in that regard really. But that's another story. That poor man.

After handling.. He could have went pee idiots

Never cut a jalepeno and touch the inside of it with your bare hands. Trust me.

*squints eyes* Not sure if Op is slow or just really kinky (•_•)

were you trying to add some special sauce onto your peppers?

Ozone1232 5

Common sense, man. Shit I feel bad for you

Never wank, if there is a peppery stank!

Why would you touch your penis after cooking?