By vickyxanne - 13/06/2009 00:10 - United States

Today, I was cleaning out my fiancé's room while he was away so we could move into our new home. Not only did I find a few gay nudie mags, but also some interesting love letters from a nice man named Pablo. Apparently I need to do a lot more than cleaning his room to excite him. Like grow a penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 827
You deserved it 4 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

debo123 0

Sorry to hear that but atleast you found out BEFORE u married him


littlemisslee 0
pandaface 0

Wow, don't date someone till you know their sexual preference? Gotta say, that was funny though.

So where is he away... on "business" or with Pablo lol that sux...agree with 2

#14 Just because you don't like gay **** doesn't mean that no one else does. Maybe it's "sick" to you, but you must remember that every supply has a demand-- and there is a HUGE supply of gay **** in the world.

manunited93 0

FYL damn that sucks ! you need to get yourself a real man pronto before lil o pablo gets his way!

ZiggyMorrison 0

I must commend you on the way you wrote this FML its hilarious

Unfortunate :( I have a weakness for gay men and I hope I don't wind up in this situation. To all of you who are saying "ew" - **** off and grow up.