By Katrina - 13/02/2011 22:32 - United States

Today, I was busily having fun with my girlfriend, when suddenly the bedroom door opened and a man walked in, picked me up, and threw me outside the apartment. I was naked and didn't even know she was into men, much less had a husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 588
You deserved it 9 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I didn't notice it was a girl until I read your comment! wow what kind of guy picks up a girl and throws her out naked?!

Muffinzz11 7

guys that dont enjoy 2somes lol

Still, he should throw out his cheating wife instead.

I don't think I'd really care if my hypothetical wife had sex with women as long as she got my approval first

What are you, 15? Say that when your wife isn't hypothetical and it might mean something to someone. If my husband walked in on me and another woman having it off, I'd want to be thrown out because I damn sure would not want to be left alone with him. Clearly OP's gf did not have prior approval so it's a moot point.

gemini6 0

the type of guy who just found out his wife was a cheating lez

samadams42 0

Ii would jump right in there no questions asked but throwing her naked outside works too.

sivuplay 0

not when its with another girl.

perdix 29

Ouch! Cuntblocked by your girlfriend's latent heterosexuality! You must be quite disgusting to not even get the formal, if not insincere, invitation to a threesome. It's just good manners.

Can we quit it with the threesome comments already, please? It's not funny, is overused to the point of being spam, and will be removed per the commenting rules. Don't like it? Move on to the next FML. Thanks.

perdix 29

That's total bullshit! Threesome comments can be funny, and they are particularly relevant in this story. If you want to get rid of spam that pollutes this site, you ought to get rid of all of the "Aw, I'm sorry" and "That sucks" comments. They add absolutely nothing to the comment thread and just force people into a lot of unnecessary scrolling. You should apply censoring in a way that improves the quality of the site and not just because of your personal distaste for a specific kind of joke, no matter how hackneyed it gets.

relax of you don't like it move on then.

I'm pretty sure unrelated posts are spam as well. On another note, he should have joined in.

BugsBunny1 4

Wow.... Really 45??? That's a moderator.

"I would joined the in for the threesome dude ur gay"

YDI for having fun with ur girlfriend without even knowing she had a husband

yazmi_09 3

WTF? if the gf didn't tell her she had a husband how was she supposed to find out?

Why telepathy of course. Aren't all women psychic? /sarcasm

yazmi_09 3

skorpien: of course!! how stupid of me to forget! :)

PunxsatownyPhil 0

Pics or it didn't happen (jk xD)

how about you just Gtfo and quit ruining peoples fun? that work for ya?

Welcome Madame to our World Wide Favorite television show of Twat Swatters! -Insert corny theme music here-

you poor thing!I'm so sorry!!!

fatalkiss 0

Threesome comments are getting old. Why in the world would he join in? He's pissed the **** off: she's cheating in his apartment, probably in his bed...with some bitch. You have threesomes with people you generally don't care about...not someone you're in a relationship with. It's like watching being cheated on.

Baby_Blues22 0

exactly!! agree with you 100%

gusgus36 5

37 i totally agree! that's what I've always said about threesomes. guys joke around that if their girlfriends/wives get it on with a chick they don't mind as long as they can watch... but in reality, it's just cheating and if faced with it they would think so too

WaylonD 4

Yep, ruined my 15 year marriage.


1) The other girl was cheating on the husband. 2) She lied to OP about being lesbian. She is the one who should have gotten her naked ass thrown out.

I agree as well. Besides, if OP is a lesbian, she is not interested in having sex with a man. She may have been in love with her gf and not have knowingly shared her. FYL, OP. I feel bad for the bloke and all but there's no reason he should have been so discourteous to you. You have to give the person one chance to say whether or not he/she knew about the marriage.

bswole 1

37 your right about threesomes its literally watching your girlfriend cheat on you and it feels like shit