By tool - 09/04/2009 06:03 - United States

Today, I was bored at my job at Home Depot. I got a bar code tattoo 3 weeks ago and thought it would be funny to scan it. I'm a $5.98 160z claw hammer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 905
You deserved it 143 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scott1494 0

haaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!! Talk about being a tool!!!!!

Tucatz 0

Could be worse- at the grocery store you might be a $0.69 can of green beans. And at the drugstore you could be Preparation H. In fact, that should be your new goal- to go around and find out what you are at various stores.


at #164 by greenearth technically a bar code is made out of magnetized material which allows the scanning So this is fake...

Hahahahahaha that's awesome! This made my day, even though I know it's crap. #152, You don't know what you're talking about. Chanel is soooo much trashier. All the classy old money people wear Burberry and the trashy, fake-looking guidettes wear Chanel #116, That was retarded, but I laughed w. you as well as at you.

jessica_rabbit_fml 0

Well at least a 'claw hammer' sounds badass...

what a stupid tattoo. you're an idiot.

#3, you're amazing also this is so not an FML. I think it's genius.

That's your knew nickname...clawhammer

#111, Um no actually he isnt a fat ass at all you douche bag! That is unless 175 and having a washboard stomach is considered a fat ass. That was just plain rude! It doesnt scan because its ******* SKIN! What a moron!!!

a) bar code tats are stupid. b) i'm going to have to call bs on this one as i myself worked at hd for 4 years through college. i would often type in random 6 digit sku numbers when i too was bored to see what would come up. only about 1 in 20 skus that i made up would actually work. fyl