By fuckoffandfuckoffagainyoucunt - 17/08/2012 16:27 - United Kingdom - Sittingbourne

Today, I was at the gym, when a pretty overweight guy started staring and eventually taunting me. Let me tell you, lines such as "Lay off the cake, fatty!" and "I can see your gut hanging out your ass, for fuck's sake!" don't exactly boost one's self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 599
You deserved it 2 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you said to him exactly what you put as your username.


RKD 23

Sorry, OP! I used to be really heavy myself, know how people can be! I would report him to the management of the place and let them handle it-surely they don't want him running off customers-otherwise, just switch gyms-what an ass that guy is! People used to taunt me about my weight, too-usually when they were in a vehicle/safely out of reach-don't let people like that get you down though I know it is hard to do!

People can be such assholes, can't they? Making fun of someone who is trying to lose weight, is like mocking someone who is sick and going to the hospital. Don't worry OP, that guy was only putting you down so he could attempt to compensate for his own failures (whatever that might be).

dancingsydney99 7

That's what the Oxford comma is for; the difference between "pretty overweight guy" and "pretty, overweight guy."

technochik3 12

You should have told him he needs to look in the mirror.

Iniezian 18

Simply poke him in the gut, make repeated references on how you can't resist playing with Jello, and when he inevitably delivers his slow, fat-guy punch and roars like Bigfoot, dodge his slow-ass moves until he inevitably exhausts himself and collapses into a sweaty heap.

Yeah, but since this isn't a movie where instant karma gets paid, at least one blow will land from a curled up meaty little food-hurler, backed by the flapping arm of a winged beast, and I can attest to this, it causes a bruise immediately and knocks the wind right out of you, and I'm sure a gym would be a bad spot for a brawl with this dude!

threer 30

Same thing happened with me except he was taunting me about being bone thin. I beat his ass as soon as he walked out the gym doors.

doglover100 28

Are you sure he was saying it to you? I've been to gym when a overweight girl was doing the same. She was talking to herself though