By pootythe5th - 30/08/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was at my favorite Mexican restaurant when I realized my really cute waiter, along with his buddies kept looking at me and smiling. Trying to be cool, I took a bite of my burrito, choked, and spilled ground beef down my new shirt and in my bra. They laughed the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 533
You deserved it 38 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimkims 0

Eating a burrito makes you "cool"?

DeadMansCrack 4

I fail to see how eating burritos makes you "cool"


alex_vik 0

Yep, nothing turns a guy on more than eating a burrito. /sarcasm

You tried to be cool by choking on your burrito? o.o

mister_moops 0

you're so cool you eat burritos

Trying to be cool does not equal being cool.

Biting a burrito? To be "cool"? I pity you.

And you knew for sure they had an eating fetish?

Well, you know what they say, you can lead a horse to water, but make sure it didn't take any laxitives beforehand.

What the **** does that have to do with anything??? ____________________________

Imawhalerider 0

what the **** does your myspace have to do with anything, are you that lonely?

Nope, just feeling the need to share the link and being bored studying. I'm sorry if you equate the Myspace friends list as a determination if you're lonely or not, must suck living your life. FYL ________________________

Imawhalerider 0

haha well im very sure im not lonely. if you are saying that you just want to fill up your friend list just sounds a bit weird. wanting to talk to strangers online is a bit like someone who has a lot of time on their hands to talk to strangers, is probably lonely. plus if you are studying lonely go make friends you can talk to by txting.

Yeah I do that most of the time I study, but it's something different to make new friends and talk to different personalities, no matter where they live. Btw just to piss you off lol: _________________________________

lol I hate how people have to bring unrelated things up. You have your link up there? And? Nothing wrong with that :D

Imawhalerider 0

i guess i cant argue against personal prefrence If you don't care then mind your own ******* business, because I can still post it if I want

Young_Sparta 0

im sorry, but im going to have to go for you being a troll. i mean think about it, nothing he says relates to anything, not only that, he can piss you off by just putting his myspace profile up there haha i call troll on the myspace guy.

Young_Sparta 0

this is gonna be the most win FML phrase ever.