By Collin - 10/06/2010 19:59 - United States

Today, I was at a public pool. A very fat kid yelled, "Cannon Ball!" He jumped right on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 825
You deserved it 4 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

itz_towelie 6

you got to be carefull when fat people are dealing with their arch nemesis gravity.

Erm, YDI for looking like water? Lawsuit! Trolling doesn't suit me. OP, when you hear someone at a pool shout "Cannonball" GTFO! Bad things are about to happen. FYL


Today, I was at a pool. I yelled "Cannon Ball" and jumped into the pool. I think I hit someone when I landed. FML


i broke my collar bone from football though...twice

melizza 0

at least you see your collerbone that fat dude... doesn't

swagginMark 0

i agree wit numbah 9 twinkies are very powerful

Especially when you tie a twinkie to a string and drag it behind you.