By Cakeman - 08/11/2009 15:03 - United States

Today, I was at a barbecue. I picked up a piece of cake and began complaining to the man next to me about how horrible it tasted. "It tastes like a s***!" I said. His wife baked it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 296
You deserved it 51 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No one likes a douche. No matter who baked the cake, you don't go around telling random people that it tastes like shit

YTDI. When you're at a potluck style dinner... no wait, ANY kind of dinner that you didn't cook, keep your damn mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. I see your parents failed miserably at raising a polite and well mannered child.


I love how all FMLs on here usually have a username that fits the FML.

zfchatroulette 24

Why do people think it makes them so cool to loudly complain about every. *******. Thing they can think of? You're probably one of those dumb twats that always complained at school about the classroom being too hot, too cold, smelling bad, about how the lunches are disgusting, how the teachers are stupid, etc., etc.

OP, you never say that at parties. Ever. No one likes a douche. Even if it was true. Definatly your fault this time.

Still didn't change the fact that it tasted bad.