By Cakeman - 08/11/2009 15:03 - United States

Today, I was at a barbecue. I picked up a piece of cake and began complaining to the man next to me about how horrible it tasted. "It tastes like a s***!" I said. His wife baked it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 296
You deserved it 51 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No one likes a douche. No matter who baked the cake, you don't go around telling random people that it tastes like shit

YTDI. When you're at a potluck style dinner... no wait, ANY kind of dinner that you didn't cook, keep your damn mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. I see your parents failed miserably at raising a polite and well mannered child.


WizardOfShelby 1
bossybanks 0

if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all!

Exposi 1

God, I hate fatties. It's not that hard to stop gorging on food for a minute and go work out. "I have bad metabolism", "It's not easy to lose weight". Learn to control yourself. If you're bulging with fat, the only person you can blame is yourself. Get on the treadmill and put down the ******* cookies.

gonzaval 0

Table manners, very important no mater what.

xxKaylennaxx 0

That's rude...could you make a cake? Prolly not

ImafukNskittleYO 4

@19: You're an idiot! She said follow the directions. Guess what, hun? Recipes from a grandma or another reletive to come from boxes. So go **** yourself, you ill-mannered prick. @OP: No one really feels sorry for you. You don't like it, don't eat it. Saying her cake tasted like shit was uncalled for. Y D I

ImafukNskittleYO 4

@#1: I bet woman would "cook better" if guys didn't make it sound so sexist. Not all women can cook either. some are better than others.