By Cakeman - 08/11/2009 15:03 - United States

Today, I was at a barbecue. I picked up a piece of cake and began complaining to the man next to me about how horrible it tasted. "It tastes like a s***!" I said. His wife baked it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 296
You deserved it 51 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No one likes a douche. No matter who baked the cake, you don't go around telling random people that it tastes like shit

YTDI. When you're at a potluck style dinner... no wait, ANY kind of dinner that you didn't cook, keep your damn mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. I see your parents failed miserably at raising a polite and well mannered child.


jane99 0

Why couldn't you just type 'shit'?

god your a ****** dumb ass! eho cares if the cake tastes like ... you should have kept your mouth shut!

What the ****. Keep those thoughts in your head, you ass.

YDI for bing a foul mouth and talking that way to strangers

that's why you ask who made it/where they bought it first... before you make a complaint about food

Not a news flash to him, as the poor **** probably eats her shitty food every day. You may as well have told him his shoes were brown, or black or paisley. FHL.

doggie3 0

and that is why you never do that

Remember that little talk we had about keeping your thoughts to yourself? :)

well at least your wife didn't bake it ! annd shut up #1, women can SO cook.