By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 00:10 - United States

Today, I was asked to crawl through a sunroof because one of my coworkers locked her keys in her car. After I got the keys, instead of opening the car door, I climbed back out through the sunroof. To laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 414
You deserved it 42 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FirstBornUnicorn 0

You exited the badass way. Who needs doors?

Are you meaning to say that isn't the normal way to get in and out of a car? Man... Life just doesn't feel the same anymore.


3153dee 0

*red formans voice* "dumbass!" lol

turdontoast 8

Screw doors! If my car had a sun roof, I'd always exit that way.

Lmao! I think I would have done the same. Sometimes you just don't think about it!

It only have me the option to say you deserved it anyways haha

You should have acted like a boss once you heard all the laughter.

Can't judge you too harshly, I'd probably do the same thing.

This is when you hold his keys ransom and demand that person to stop laughing.

Who needs doors when you have a new way of getting in and out? We all have brain farts.