By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 00:10 - United States

Today, I was asked to crawl through a sunroof because one of my coworkers locked her keys in her car. After I got the keys, instead of opening the car door, I climbed back out through the sunroof. To laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 414
You deserved it 42 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FirstBornUnicorn 0

You exited the badass way. Who needs doors?

Are you meaning to say that isn't the normal way to get in and out of a car? Man... Life just doesn't feel the same anymore.


I know plenty of smart, natural blondes. Those jokes are getting old.

M2M4Ever 0

why didn't u use the door, again? ;-)

Seabeast1000 4

dude I did the same thing only I went in through the trunk

TheZarola 10

And you shouldn't make fun of blondes.

hahahaa that rly is quite dumb but funny YDI haha

Erdricks_Sword 9
Shaggy_92 5