By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 22:49 - United States - Belmont

Today, I walked outside to see my boyfriend standing on my porch, looking confused. He explained to me that he had attached a prom proposal note to his pet rabbit, and let it inside my house to find me. We went looking for said rabbit, and found my dog halfway through eating it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 313
You deserved it 5 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor bunny :( That's a pretty unique way of asking someone to prom. Usually they use dogs or cats for the note. Did she go to prom with u at least?

kakakarotcake 17

Your boyfriend should have thought that through. poor rabbit


Well he should've thought that one through

xxrebelsxx 13

You probably should have waited till you knew she was in her room and then snuck it in threw a window or her door since it would have found her right away

P1Nk13 7

I can think of multiple reasons why that was a bad idea.

Surely a boyfriend would know she has a dog, ydi if you didn't tell him about said dog

Why would he not take his girlfriend of two years to prom?

middlenamefrank 8

So your boyfriend is the type that does things like releasing a rabbit into a household with a dog? I would run, far away, as fast as I could.

Your boyfriend is a MORON. Dogs & Rabbits are not a good mix and I'm assuming he knows you have a dog. Hopefully you still went to prom and had a great time anyways.

he was broke, didnt wanna go, had work, better things to do, didnt feel up to it. take your pick