By piece of shed - 31/08/2011 14:00 - United States

Today, I walked into my shed to find my daughter's boyfriend asleep and completely duct-taped to the ceiling, with his face painted like a clown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 238
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste


girlmongo3 0
yaknowiverse 0

what the ****? that's random!!

txtracey 0

Forget your FML **** his life!

Demonyx 6

Your daughter is awesome, get pictures

TheRealEllieSan 9

I call fake, you can duct tape a person to a ceiling. We've tried it with a wall and they wouldn't stay for mote than 5-10 minutes, so I highly doubt it would work with the ceiling.

ForeverGLFan 6

Wow...I got nothing for that! I'm not even gonna try to understand what that is!!