By wetqueefa - 03/02/2013 09:58 - United States - Union City

Today, I walked in on my mom drenched in tears, barely able to speak. I ran to get her some tissues and a nice cup of tea to calm her down. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, I asked her if she wanted to talk about what happened. She watched an episode of Gossip Girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 886
You deserved it 3 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm all for being immersed in films and series and stuff, really getting emotions out; catharsis and all that... But Gossip Girl?


thrAsHeRr9081 16

Who couldn't blame her, I think everyone gets emotional when it comes to an episode of Gossip Girl

icepick23 12

To be honest, it isn't really a FYL, seeing as it really won't influence said live that much. Unless she has these moments all the time.

another subject being programmed by the propaganda box.

I remember when i was 8 y.o. having a dream of Zelda dying in Link's arms in front of the Grand Oak Tree. I woke up crying for 10 minutes and my parents thinking something happened at school.

At least you'll make your significant other happy when they're sad