By burnmyeyes - 19/04/2014 21:26 - United States - Richmond

Today, I walked in on my brother shaving his nuts, all while giggling like a maniac and seemingly high out of his mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 382
You deserved it 5 329

Same thing different taste


jgriff79 23

Maybe he was happy to see them!

That's good blackmail if you get proof... As gross as it is the blackmail is funnier.

What's the world coming to when you can't shave your balls in peace?!

6dandaman5 8

That ******* hilarious LMAO

dannnngthatsux 19

Considering he was bringing a razor blade close to the family jewels, I'd be crazily nervous too! One slip and he's singing soprano for life.

oddities 20

Actually, since he's a guy, the term used would be "countertenor" which covers any vocal range above tenor that a male has. There's a more specific term but I can't spell it so I'll leave it out. ' Sorry about that, I just prefer people using the correct term and think they should be corrected so as not to form a habit of using the wrong one and risking sounding ignorant.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me.