By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 458
You deserved it 28 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


shadow_child 0

This is the dumbest FML ever.

Funny as hell. Next time a girl tries to break up with me (never) I'm gonna just say no! hahahaha lolololololol

meganick13 0

ok that's kinda not his choice so dump his ass again and this time bring a shovel so he knows u mean busness lol

Why is everyone assuming that he's an asshole? Maybe the OP just wanted to break up because they don't go well together, and the boyfriend wants to give it a little time and talk things through. It's an FML if the boyfriend is being aggressive or not giving the OP space, but if he simply doesn't want to get dumped without an explanation, he's certainly not an asshole.

nothing to do with him being a good guy or a bad guy.. its not his choice. either way he is not showing ANY respect to the op. sure he can try to convince her but to say no to a dumping is pathetic. he can argue his case but she said no.... undone1, what if it was about sex. he wanted it she didnt and he did it anyway, i bet you would cry rape then.i know its not the same but it is the same principal..

angelgurl 0

i have totally had that happen before. It's cute when you're together and he's crazy about you. Until you break up (or try to) and find out he's just crazy... mean saying no to being dumped is an option? Ffffffuuuuuuuuck, I wish I knew that. Maybe I'd have a girlfriend right now.

freshtastic 0

wow are you serious... it's your life and you control it tell that **** to suck it.

freshtastic 0

i put YDI cause you must be too awesome to dump :p

gosrisky 1