By Ella - 24/07/2009 02:26 - United States

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 458
You deserved it 28 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1.) Kick him in the balls. Step 2.) Repeat as necessary until desired results are shown. lul.


M13LO 0

WIN your actually the way women are suppose to be

fmelanieslife 0

Wow, seriously? Well, you sir seem like a great dude. Really. You can try and try though, but you'll never be half the man your mother was.

M13LO 0

That's not how your mom thinks of me.. In her eyes I'm the zohan

M13LO 0

And yes women are suppose to be stupid at everything except cooking washing cleaning and in the bed. Women arn't suppose to even be on this site since they should be making a man happy at this time of night.

Your an idiot I am not going to spend my whole life trying to please some man and do nothing else with my life. That's ridiculous. I am in the Navy serving this fine country and defending the freedom that allows your sorry ass to talk to woman that way.

M13LO 0

If you were really that importent in the navy then they would let you have a gun but they don't. They don't let you on submarines either.

Kuroftw 0

Pretty sure women have always been talked to that way. Also, lol

ashole1990 10

ya'll are silly he just trolls to start arguments its how he gets his jolleys seeing as no woman will have him

M13LO 0

Kuroftw the name says it all FTW! And ashole1990 I do get my kicks out of what women "think is right" but the fact is that women will always be man's toy to use til IT gets old then get a new one. I did that today so yes the tools or as you would say "women" do like me.

M13LO 0

Kuroftw the name says it all! And ashole1990 I do get my kicks out of what women "think is right" but the truth is that women will always be man's toy til it gets old and they get a new one. I did that today so yes tools or as you call them "women" do want me. Mods I would appriciate you not changing or deleting my thoughts and opinions thank you.

tatertot8284 0

I would say f*** you, but I would never actually f*** you, so that would be teasing. I doubt you can handle that kind of excitement and let down.

ashole1990 10

thats not completely true i like to think it depends on the person really some girls are guys toys and some guys are girls toys me, i have my own toys :]

M13LO 0

Tatortot you have it all wrong you don't have to do anything for me you just have to be a tool I mean women for the very nice blind guy who decides to pick you. Ashole1990 I didn't know you liked toys (women) to! But I can assure you that you are or will be someones toy.

ashole 1990 is completely right. I love being used by the guy as nothing more than simply their little pleasure toy. It turns me on and puts me in my place. Although that does still suck for the OP

ashole1990 10

you are absolutely right, i am a total homosexual in that way hah you are rather amusing

M13LO 0

Moocow you are almost there now all you need to do is get off the computer and go back to cooking cleaning and men. Ashole1990 I always knew you would come to your senses and realize I was right. Now do as man wants and post dirty pics of you and your tool on here.

haha i can't go back to men my boyfriend lives across the ocean. and theres no point cooking or cleaning my mom does that for me seeing as im only 16

ashole1990 10

do as man wants? or as you want? and for the record i like cawk too much to be gay lawl

XxRocker94xX 0

Ohohoho...someones a attention *****.

M13LO 0

Moocow you must learn to do all that stuff as seeing most women these days are pregnate before they turn 18. Ashole1990 yes any man would like to see girl on girl action and if you love cawk so much then do what woman are suppose to. I'll be back tomorrow.

I don't really get why people keep indulging ML130. Anti-feminist trolling is incredibly old, and frankly quite boring. If you're gonna troll, try something new. Posting "first!"/woman-bashing slurs/gay-bashing slurs/racist slurs are just incredibly stupid, and they've been done to death.

M13LO 0

Rocker apearntly you want to be a part of it, so in a way your an attention ***** to. Divineaybe I truly do think this way of women. But what would you suggest trollers should start trolling about?

_system_ 0

Blah blah blah same old bullshit.

SchitzoFRIENDic 0

Wait, so the thing about women being toys only applies to YOU? Your argument makes me giggle. If that way of life was actually efficient, it would still be happening :) I hope you don't voice this opinion when you walk down the street. You'd be likely to have done to you what some of the users said should happen to the boyfriend of the OP. I'll recap: 1. A kick in the balls 2. The asking of whether mind has been changed. 3. Repeat number 1 if answer to 2 is unsatisfactory :)

That is Awsum!!! living with parents FTW as I am just 13 And for the OP I wish a girl would say no we are not breaking up all I get is ME: Hi wats ur name? Her: Get away you sicko! ME: ):

gir321 0

M13LO, I'm really sick of I'm sure everyone else on this site is. Obviously, seeing as you have replied to every FML that I have read on this site, you don't get any women. What guy with as many women as you say you have waste their time away on Pathetic. OH! and let me beat you to the punch, you're prolly going to say something retarded like "Oh cuz my women are cooking and cleaning right now." Which is OBVIOUSLY a lie and you just wanting attention. Lets face facts, shall we? You are most likely a 40 year old fat virgin that criticizes women cause you get turned down everytime you attempt to pick one up. And everyday you continue to think of loathsom things to say about women/black people/ect so that you can vent out your anger of being alone and hated EVERYWHERE you go. And, knowing that you are going to deny everything I just said and then continue to write an unwitty and predicted comment about me being a women, I'd like to say: "Get the **** off and die." You are just another hated creature that wastes air and food and prolly wouldn't even get ****** by a rapist if someone tried to pay them. Hahahaha, and all this came from a women :p GTFO Go die Everyone hates you yadda,yadda,yadda.

Melancholics 0

You see how M13LO stopped commenting once gir321 commented. M13LO, you just got powned and you're too scared to face it.

M13LO 0

No i didnt stop replying i only read the last part "it came from a woman" thats why i didnt read it nobody got pawned you on the other hand are gna get a wopin from daddy later and i was also busy using my "TOOLS"

bubblyblonde 0

Totally Agreed. Turn On. :)

Night22_fml 4

Lemme guess, your tools include your mom, and your gay boyfriends Osama Bin Laden, and Hitler.

gir321 0

M32LO, for someone that spends as much time as you do on this site, I would have thought you knew how to spell Pown. And no, my dad isn't going to touch me ever again. You wanna know why? Because he was a ******* freak like you and is now in jail for raping me. People like you and my father make me sick. I really just cant wait till you say or do the wrong thing to the wrong person and end up in jail for harrassment or assault. Trust me, you will eventually pay the price for being a disgusting douche.

M13llo, I am a 13 year old MALE with cancer and you make me sicker to my stomach then chemo, whether you're a troll or not.

I can't thumb up #229 cos it's too damn long

sleep with someone else take a picture n show him

Hoping you live in the area and get lucky? OP, don't do that. Sleeping with someone for revenge is just slutty and rude.

simplyn2deep 2

initially I laughed because that's like my ex refusing to be my ex...even though he's married. next time, don't try. Just do. and like #4 said, press charges if he harasses you once you've ended it.

yo_momma 0

#15... fail -.- and OP : fail too :)

what a retard you can't say no to that hahahaha FIRST!!!!

you do realize you are #20 right?... not first FAIL

I love epic fails where they call someone a retard and then do something really dumb.

weirdgirl_sf 0

UM, seriously just leave him. If he's super controlling now is the time to go. If your an adult, and he won't go you may want to look into a restraining order. If your a kid/teen let your parents know you want out of your relationship and that he won't let it go. They will be able to help you.

stupiidx3 0

dump his ass. ignore his calls. block him. if he goes near you get a restraining order ! if not news headline would be women killed by her lover

hahaha this is like that one episode of seinfeld

Yup. 'Cept it was funnier the first time around...