By facepalmshroomer - 07/02/2009 23:24 - United States

Today, I tried hallucinogenic mushrooms for the first time with my friend. Little did I know, they last for around 6 hours, and I had class at 3, when I had to give a presentation in front of 30 people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 640
You deserved it 85 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feelslikeanoose 0

How could you not know that mushrooms would last that long? And why on earth would you do ANY drug other than marijuana before a presentation?? Come-on people!

I_Hate_Tpyos 0

obviously you were hallucinating too much to read that he said it was his first time.


Wrong. Experimentation without proper research does mean idiocy. Especially with something like mushrooms, which can have VERY bad side effects. YDI

XxHU4LxX 0

Okay, someone decided to try shrooms, big ******* deal. Did they hurt anyone? Did it cause other people harm? No, it didn't. So you people saying that she deserved it because "OMFG SHE DID DRUGS SHES A BAD PERSON!!!!!1" are wrong. True, she shouldn't have tried a hallucinogen right before a big presentation, but experimenting with a drug, especially one like shrooms, does NOT make her a bad person. Almost everyone will do their experimentation with drugs. And don't think that I'm some heavy druggy or some shit like that, trying to defend drugs and shit, 'cuz I'm not, I don't do drugs. I can really say it's not her fault. Also, nothing I've read about shrooms has said that a trip will last that long, so I would guess that reading about it wouldn't have helped much either. I could be wrong, but, I honestly have not seen/heard anything about shroom trips lasting that long. So, yeah, she didn't deserve it.

scott_m319 0

You can say what you want, but I honestly think she deserved it. I'm not saying that because I have a "holier than thou" attitude; I'm saying it because that shit's dangerous! People like this aren't immune to the effects of hallucinogens, they just get lucky, thus, as you said, she didn't get hurt. This time.

katewasherexx 0

That'll teach you not to do drugs.

b478 0

wow. good to hear that the presentation went well but next time dont try a new drug when you have work/school lol

R0lling_St0ner 0

I don't know about this one I'm mean while you could give a speach if you had to but doing them for your first time you'd freak out and have a BAD trip.. so the lesson is be happy get a lil high and have fun

Why didn't you just do this on the weekend?

they don't last that long..maybe for a three or four hours....i don't know what she took o_O

ahahhahshashashahdasddadsadsfsa. shrooms are for weekends