By facepalmshroomer - 07/02/2009 23:24 - United States

Today, I tried hallucinogenic mushrooms for the first time with my friend. Little did I know, they last for around 6 hours, and I had class at 3, when I had to give a presentation in front of 30 people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 640
You deserved it 85 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feelslikeanoose 0

How could you not know that mushrooms would last that long? And why on earth would you do ANY drug other than marijuana before a presentation?? Come-on people!

I_Hate_Tpyos 0

obviously you were hallucinating too much to read that he said it was his first time.


"Why are all these caterpillars starin' at me?"

That's your own fault for being stupid enough to do drugs.

happygoluckyhh 0

I hope you failed the presentation and was caught for doing drugs. You are a ******* idiot you bitch. Hope next time you do shrooms you commit sucide because you are worthless...and you know i,t because if you didn't know it, you wouldn't be doing that shit.

And I'm absolutely sure you've never tried anything in your entire life, or been curious about it at all, right? And I'm POSITIVE that you're the most perfect person in the world, and that everyone else needs to "commit suicide" for being "worthless", right? Get over yourself, you goddamn asshole. Really, now.

"I hope you failed the presentation and was caught for doing drugs. You are a ******* idiot you bitch." Do even know how to make a sentence? I don't even get how idiots can criticize others about doing drugs when they themselves can't even write a basic sentence.

godhelpme92 0

Your and idiot for trying it in the first place

whoahanna 0

Here, I'll say this in terms you'll understand: git 0Ff yer stOopid, m0Ron!c a$s, git a fukn job, m00v3 out uhv yer p@r3nTs howse, put doWn da shr00mz aNnNnd kwit b!Ng suCh a dum *** nd @ werthl3$$ w@st3 uhv hewman exi$tance. YDI. End of story.

i just gotta know one thing... how'd the presentation go?

Original poster. Actually the presentation went far better than I thought it would, the teacher didn't say a thing, and luckily many of the students in class commented on the piece (it was an art critique) in the allotted time- therefore leaving less time for me to make a possible ass of myself. Definitely hard to concentrate when the table in front of you is expanding though. And I like how there's a majority of people saying I'm an idiot AND a bitch. I'll admit, I should have researched before trying a hallucinogen, but come on. You do not know me (in all likelihood) so you don't know my character, so don't give me that morality crap about drugs (especially if you've never tried them.) Experimentation does not mean idiocy.

scott_m319 0

Morality is not really the issue with me, it was more the danger factor. I still give this a YDI, but that's because your body could have gotten seriously messed up. Not some dogmatic morality bull crap.