By Anonymous - 03/01/2012 03:47 - United States

Today, I tried exercising. My whole house shook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 552
You deserved it 14 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well atleast you're making an effort. we all start somewhere. good luck OP.

snowmount07 6

It's alright, it'll stop eventually


leadman1989 15

Are you extremely overweight or do you live in a shack in the woods?

At least you tried, OP. Don't worry, just keep it up until the neighbours start complaining ;)

chels1994 11

Maybe the house is really that old...some people are quick to assume that the OP is huge.

hey I personally think that's cool. helps you know if you shake less your also loosing weight at good pace.

There's a first time for everything and I'm just guessing. Just throwing this out there. That this was your first time exercising??