By Sarsippius - 18/05/2013 05:22

Today, I took a nap, and I had a dream that my ex-girlfriend got back together with me. I woke up in a great mood. When I went back to bed, I dreamed that she broke up with me, again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 634
You deserved it 6 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps it's time to move on, sorry OP it's hard to do but it gets better :)


Those damn dream relationships are volatile.

You are being trolled... by your subconscious?

RVAriverRAT88 9

Did u get any break up sex the second time?

I feel you on this one, I think your subconscious knows something you don't.

beachbum_101 16

Next time you dream you're back together again plan on never going back to sleep again.

AnnaLee143 3

weird i had a dream today that i was back with my ex then ended it haha :)

u need to get over it dude........move on and find a new one.....or try to get her back.. but in real ,not in dreams...