By iwantpizza69 - 12/02/2009 00:06 - United States

Today, I told the guy I have feelings for that I'm interested in, and asked him how he feels about it. He responded via text, saying, "I feel fairly neutral about that." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 789
You deserved it 4 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatwhat 0

Boo ******* hoo. Why does everyone feel entitled to having their feelings returned? At least he wasn't an ass about rejecting you.

AWESOME. made me laugh even though i need to focus on my school work instead of this....


he doesn't like you, get over it. would you prefer that he lies to you and leads you on? or that he totally blows you off? if he doesn't like you, this is probably the best response you could have gotten

thescyphozoa 6

meh, that's probably how I would respond to almost any girl telling me that.

spaztastic89 0

well that's a nice way of saying he doesn't give a sh*t

YDI. At least he wasn't a dick about it

Honestly .... I mean what did you expect ? You expected him to just be like oh my gosh I feel the exact same way lets go out. Well no maybe he doesn't feel the same way about you or you put to much pressure on him like that.

He didn't turn u down completely......just work some magic ;)