By antisocial - 12/08/2010 08:07 - Canada

Today, I told my parents that I wasn't feeling very social and up for company. How do they try to make me feel better? By inviting a whole bunch of people I don't know to a pool party at my house. They said I should face my fears. I'm now in my room, hiding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 977
You deserved it 9 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Your parents make no sense. You simply said you don't feel like company, not that you have a social phobia. Not that having a raucous pool party would be a good way to force your child to get over their social phobia anyway.

its ok op i do that when people i dobt kbow are awkward (shirtless) introductions.


twinny_sc 13

Maybe you should have sex in their bed.

don't be a pussy. I have social anxiety too. that's why ran for student council. overcome shit.

Yes, OP, you're not the only one with social anxiety. Just get to know those people! You'll feel great for it :)

I don't remember the part of this FML that said the OP had social anxiety, she could suffer from any of the social disorders.

Whats wrong with you... pool parties are AWESOME! Stop being so antisocial and let yourself have some fun.

"Not feeling sociable AND up for company" is come what contradictry.. i'm confused.

Your parents are assholes. I would be furious if my parents did that to me. Luckily, they're as introverted as I am. We don't like people. :D

Agreed. These comments are pissing me off. They're worse than the shaving ones. -.-

I concur. While the OP in this FML may or may not actually have social anxiety disorder, I really hate when an FML is about some sort of psychological disorder, such as anxiety or depression, and everyone dismisses it and tells them to stop being a "pussy". I've had people tell me in real life that my psychological and neurological issues (it's a laundry list, haha) aren't real and I should just get over it. It really pisses me off. On another note, I started reading "Mark Reads Twilight". It's amazing.

I'm the same way OP. I hate being around people. I love having only myself as company.

I had roommates who did that every other day. I was constantly hiding in my room. Social anxiety sucks.