By antisocial - 12/08/2010 08:07 - Canada

Today, I told my parents that I wasn't feeling very social and up for company. How do they try to make me feel better? By inviting a whole bunch of people I don't know to a pool party at my house. They said I should face my fears. I'm now in my room, hiding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 977
You deserved it 9 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Your parents make no sense. You simply said you don't feel like company, not that you have a social phobia. Not that having a raucous pool party would be a good way to force your child to get over their social phobia anyway.

its ok op i do that when people i dobt kbow are awkward (shirtless) introductions.


sallen0046 4

They're your parents, and unless you're an adult child with your own home (in which case you should have asked everyone to leave) it's their home and they can invite over anyone they like no matter how you feel about it. If you actually have an anxiety disorder, seek medical help. If you're unwilling to do so, you deserve to remain uncomfortable. If you don't face and work through your fears you will be unnecessarily limited by them for the rest of your life. Get off the internet and put forth a little effort.

The fact that it's their house doesn't really excuse them from being dicks, in my opinion. It's still a shitty thing to do.

sallen0046 4

They're not being dicks. They're living their lives, in their own home.

The way I read the fml, they did this just because OP said she wasn't feeling social. That's pretty dickish in my book.

fritz2 0

so go outside and stop whining?

Preferring alone time to a big party isn't social anxiety. -.-


fyl for having a social thing while being anti-social. you should've gone all psycho on everyone though. that usually makes people go away. :3

oh, **** my life, I'm hiding from people I don't know cuz i'm not feeling very social. if you're going to be a crybaby, fine, just don't post it on fml and expect sympathy for it.

Hey, look on the bright side! At least you have a pool!

GamerChik 2

wow make a new friend, flirt with hot guys, get a boyfriend dont jut hide in your room i mean seriously