By antisocial - 12/08/2010 08:07 - Canada

Today, I told my parents that I wasn't feeling very social and up for company. How do they try to make me feel better? By inviting a whole bunch of people I don't know to a pool party at my house. They said I should face my fears. I'm now in my room, hiding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 977
You deserved it 9 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Your parents make no sense. You simply said you don't feel like company, not that you have a social phobia. Not that having a raucous pool party would be a good way to force your child to get over their social phobia anyway.

its ok op i do that when people i dobt kbow are awkward (shirtless) introductions.


satanstoystore 0

if you are hiding, then you have a much bigger problem than just needing alone time. quit making excuses for your fear and figure out away to live your life by choice- without the fear. or youre not really living.

88 your a ninja, shouldn't you be on op's side lol?

OP, I understand and feel for you right now. If being alone is how you like it, then tell your parents. I had the same issues with my parents and they would always ask me why I don't come down to talk to guests often etc. They thought I was being antisocial where I just preferred to be alone and enjoy myself, and not have to put up with people. Rock on OP, people like us can enjoy ourselves, by ourselves.

dollFehn 6

my parents would kick my ass out there and make me talk to ppl

My parents wouldn't make that mistake again hahahaha

Psycho_Babydoll 26

FYL. My parents did that to me while I was crying during my depression.

She could have a very serious mental problem that either doesnt allow her to act "normally" (if that word can be used to describe anyone's personality) in front of groups of people or that she prefers to be by herself which is fine and I also prefer the latter. So to all the inconsiderate low intelligence scumbags who taunt her, here's a personal message from me, "Go to ******* hell and never come back."

doglover100 28

Why don't people listen when someone says they don't want to do something?