By Fatty1970 - 23/05/2011 01:33 - United States

Today, I told my kids that our family dog was getting too fat and we should give him a little less food. My youngest daughter whispered to her sister, "Mommy's fat and we still give her food." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 943
You deserved it 19 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"you were an accident and we still dress you"

never call a dog fat. it's your fault for not walking it. walk it so you and the dog can lose wight


SteelCladAngel 0

maybe she's just a woman who complains about her weight but isn't obese, just a little overweight I know when my mom was calling herself fat at 130 pounds my little sister started mimicking her and not eating enough

If your fat your fat , lose the chips and pop outta that cart

Try doing the treadmill with a leash.

You absolutely deserved that, hypocrite. You are one of the reasons I want out of this fat ass country. Lose some weight before you need a seat for each cheek.

maybe yal can go on a diet together...

I hope you ate your kid to teach him/her a lesson

yeah. ydi for not watching your weight