By Anonymous - 24/12/2015 18:06 - United States - Kennewick

Today, I told my friend I was considering adopting a dog. She looked at me like I was Satan and went on a rant about how dogs are "born evil" and will always maul someone given the chance. I still have the marks from when one of her psycho cats sliced open my arm last month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 815
You deserved it 1 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If treated right, dogs are the most loyal and loving creatures, don't listen to her.

The only bad dogs are the ones raised bad. I love dogs and currently own two. Don't listen to her OP, and if you want to adopt a dog, I highly suggest it. Happy adopting :)


I really hope you said exactly that to her.

Neither one is born evil, what the heck.

You need to ditch this "friend"…dogs are the most sweet and loving things in the world (just look at my profile pic for proof :P )

Railroader 16
katina1236 20

She's a cat person. Don't take it seriously. And some cats are temperamental. And as for dogs if they're raised properly they make amazing companions. And can be used for so many different things in today's society. And remember it doesn't matter where the dog comes from as long as it has a loving home.

MrZsDad 19

Hmmm is this friend perpetually single?

Dogs > cats. Dogs are the superior pet.

WorryNot 19

Cats tend to be evil genius ninjas though

The cats are starting to rule the world