By Anonymous - 30/10/2014 07:25 - United States - Springfield

Today, I told my boyfriend that it's time for him to stop blaming others and own up to his mistakes. He retorted, "Don't blame me!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 399
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_the_tiger 14

If he is that immature he isn't ready for a relationship

It's not my fault, everybody always blames me!


iAisu 7

That's exactly how my Dad acts, and he's 52. They don't change. Don't marry anyone that can't own up to their own shit.

Yup my ex did the same, and it was always my fault even if I had nothing to do with it. Definitely don't miss that.

If you hate the fact that he doesn't take his own responsebility, you should break-up or just go with it.

tiffanyslapp 18

Oh, that's a rough one. He needs to get his act together.

I've been in a relationship with someone like that, I split up with him two months ago, and seriously, a weight has been lifted. I thought I suffered chronic back pain, it was actually a boyfriend problem, I got so stressed out that my back hurt. I'm getting on so much better with my life now, and am getting so much more done. I've tried to change someone, it really doesn't work.

DianaFrances411 13

Maybe your boyfriend is insecure or is afraid of humiliation, or something like that as some people are sensitive, and are very defensive. They think just by blaming someone else, everything will be alright. Maybe you can talk to him about it or tell him that if he thinks a relationship is too much, or can't handle it, it's alright and he can start dating when he thinks he's ready for it.