By Anonymous - 04/06/2015 12:26 - United States - San Bruno

Today, I told my boyfriend I was horny and was waiting for him at my place. 30 minutes later, he still hadn't arrived, so I called him and asked if he was coming. He replied "Already did, right into a kleenex." and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 526
You deserved it 4 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he comes on to you, just pull out a box of Kleenex and walk away

lexiieeex3 32

Well that's inconsiderate of him...


I guess someone isn't getting laid tonight...

Sathane 21

A guy should come running every time you offer to spread your legs?

I don't see how this is an fml, maybe if you guys lived together it would be more of one. he probably just like a quickie or didn't want to drive just for sex. hell girl you have a hand too! just be thankful he didn't cheat!

Maybe if you want him to come over you should actually wait for him to respond to the text before expecting him to show up. Personally I think it's kind of rude to send a text and assume someone is going to drop whatever they are doing and rush to your house.

leogachi 15

To be fair, you don't know that they weren't talking on the phone.

You mean your "ex boyfriend" right??

Well, you kind of deserve it for assuming he's always up for sex. If the genders were switched, it would be all YDIs.

Not true. I hate how people keep trying to twist every single FML to make it about sexism. In this case, if the genders were reversed, I'm pretty sure the general response would be exactly the same. It's not the fact that he isn't up for sex which makes him a dick, it's the fact that he was so rude about it.

What a nice boyfriend you have there.

ndnpride88 25

Sounds like he prefers his relationship with PAMELA HANDERSON AND HER 5 FRIENDS. ?

I don't see how this is a fml situation. I could understand if you lived together. maybe he just didn't feel like driving over just for sex, and possibly just wanted a quickie. at least he didn't cheat on you! you have a hand too!