By Anonymous - 29/03/2012 16:53 - United States - Houston

Today, I thought about how my dad went to get me a Halloween costume and hasn't come home yet. That was 11 years ago. We've moved twice since then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 724
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he got you a ghost costume, and was too excited so he tried it on. Now he can't get it off, and he's been around you the whole time. :o

Today, after slaving for 11 years on the perfect Halloween costume for my beautiful daughter, I come home to find that they have moved. Twice. FML


How can there possibly be 209 people who think that OP deserved it? How does a kid or his mother ever deserve to be deserted?

perdix 29

He probably bought you a genuine Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak. He came right home and he's been trying to give it to you, but you can't see him.

I'm sorry that happen to you... It would be 17 years on april 1st when my father was murdered by the police because they thought his black water gun looked like a real gun in the dark while walking our new puppy at the time... What made u think about your father leaving? Halloween is seven months from now... Do u have a big event coming up and you wish he was there?

anthonydude 9

Looks like he was a victim of Michael Myers.

Still waiting for your dog to come back from the farm as well???

AdmirerST 0

Wow, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bad person. I got a giggle out of this. I'm sorry OP, for the FML and, well, you know....

Maybe it's time to realize daddy's gone.. I mean after 11 years come on its clear enough. Some people just don't have common sense these days...

bowser_rawr16 13

Awww :( I'm sorry OP. My dad left when I was really young too