By Joe - 27/08/2012 13:33 - United States - Coalgate

Today, I started my new job at a fragrance store. While training, the manager had me smell all of the scents to become familiar with the products. Before my shift was over, I'd had three asthma attacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 252
You deserved it 5 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you're suicidal, this isn't the job for you. I think you'd be better off working on a farm, with the nearest pharmacy miles away. But then again, Monk was a fantastic cop, so... Just keep an inhaler handy.

Fragrance stores usually have a lot of different perfumes, so I'm not surprised anyone wouldn't get sick after all those strong smells. Sorry OP, get a new job so your health won't be compromised.


this is the time to tell yourself "this ain't the right job for you" you should've expected it

YDI big time. If you suffer from astma, why the hell would you go work in a fragrance store in the first place? You need to acquire two things: common sense and another job.

Most perfumes out there are soooo full of alcohol, they're totally unbearable. I hold my breath while going past the Ambercrombie & Fitch store. The only perfumes I can bear are from L'Occitane.

It's your friends choice and op's choice to work at places they know will cause asthma attacks. Doesn't mean they get to have other people's sympathy when they decide to complain that their chosen fields have caused a reaction. I'd have more sympathy if they chose their health over a job and complained about that.

Lol well that's your ******* fault. You shouldn't have gotten a job that would trigger it.

why the help would you take a job at a fragrance store if you have asthma?? that's just stupid.

caitiebug1119 15

So...if you have asthma that sets off around fragrances, why did you get a job in a perfume store? You had to figure that customers would try all of the scents right in front of you.

Why would you have taken a job there in the first place?

Sorry, that's really stinks...heh hehe stinks? Get it? Haha.