By harry - 04/12/2009 05:55 - Hong Kong

Today, I started growing hair on my upper lip. I'm finally becoming a man! Too bad I'm a 17 year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 002
You deserved it 5 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's actually a myth, however you've even got the myth wrong. When you shave hair it appears to grow in darker because as opposed to growing in naturally and tapering to a point like normal hair, it has a blunt edged due to being cut by the razor. Waxing pulls the hair out at the root and therefore when it grows back would not appear any darker than the hair before.

its normal- and trust me, other people wont see it as clearly as you do. you may think that its "omg so dark and awful and hairy", but i can bet that no one else is even going to notice, or care for that matter.


BeNice87 0

Hey, I'm new to this.. What does OP stand for? I'm getting that it's the person who wote the FML, but why OP? And please don't answer me back rudely. There's just no need for that. I'm not doing anything wrong by asking a question. I'm just curious. Thank you!

Post a real FML when you mysteriously grow a penis. Wait, on second thought... don't.

Humans, being mammals, have this thing called "hair." Regardless of sex. If you choose to wax or shave, best of luck, but there's nothing to be ashamed of in your body naturally growing hair.

lulz, your name is benice87 while your comment #69. how ironic.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

I wonder, do the people who spend all day correcting spelling and grammar on a leisure website think that everyone else will go "oh (insert name here) is just so smart! he knows how to spell! what a genius! he showed THAT bad speller!" because no one actually thinks that.

lyfesukz 0

get it waxed and stop complaining, jeez.....

shirvon100 0

Correction: you THOUGHT you were a 17 year old girl, haha jk lol.

Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman, but she was another man...

masanya 0

Don't worry about it. I work at a spa and many women come in to get their upper lip waxed. So just wax or bleach it. =)

psychoxxxinvader 3

That happened to me too. I'm a 13 year old girl. (Please no comments about how ugly I am. I am aware of it and it gets seriously annoying). Gotta love being heavily European :D But seriously, just wax it or if you don't have the money, shave if you have to. Honestly that whole "it grows back thicker" thing is a load of shit, or I'm just special and it doesn't happen to me :P

scarycottonasdf 0

It does that to me too. i hate it but oh well