By Anonymous - 23/06/2014 22:59 - United States - Imperial

Today, I started a new internship. I couldn't do anything until I was trained, and I couldn't be trained until I had a login. I stared at a wall for three hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 488
You deserved it 4 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet you can tell me every single design and flaw about that wall :) Wall Expert OP!

I would have smashed that wall after 30 minutes


3 hours that's it? I waited a week starting at a wall while my job got everything processed

Internships are supposed to train people for their careers, and this taught you what it's like at most companies.

honestly didnt see that coming. kinda random lol

You have a good patience. But why didn't you just get in touch with someone. Maybe even use another employee's machine to do the training part.

TcheQ 12

I'm surprised at how many commenters think that OP is male...

I'm surprised how much this happens when offices get a 'new person'. You would think they'd have it organised a week before... but they never do!

I've had similar happenings. Got new forklift job, couldn't work until i'd taken proficiency test, which requires supervisor to be present. After 2 and a half hours of outdated safety videos, and just before I was ready to test, the super walked out and didn't return for over two hours.

justmeCee 16

Why wouldn't you try to find out what your login is Op? YDI