By NC - 11/02/2010 07:32 - Malaysia

Today, I spilled some milk on my laptop. I was pretty sure it would be fine as it was only a bit of milk. While cleaning the residue, I knocked a whole bucket of water into the insides of the laptop. RIP Macbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 259
You deserved it 34 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You put a large bucket of water next to your Macbook? You deserved it. Computers liquids = dumbass.

thedivinecomeD 0

yes, when I surf the web I always have my handy bucket of water at a reachable distance. can't trust that firefox...


machinAinsomne 0

on behalf of PC users that aren't hater jerks! I'm so sorry that sounds awful!and I'm guessing all these you deserved it comments aren't making it better. good luck getting it fixed i hope all these mean ppl lay off

happysmartg 5

who has a ******* BUCKET of water by their laptop? I mean seriously, are people just getting dumber and dumber these days?!

buttshapedfruit 0

that's y u keep liquids away from ur electronics haha

You deserve it for having your laptop next to a glass of milk and... a random bucket of water...?

So you keep a bucket of water next to your laptop? Because you know it would of spontaneously combusted eventually...

Should have bought a warranty on it. Best buy would have replaced that if you had bought it.