By TukTuk - 27/10/2014 21:18 - Germany - Weinböhla

Today, I spent an hour painstakingly disassembling my antique mirror after discovering a stack of papers behind the back board. I finally got hold of one corner, and pulled out - a newspaper from 2007 and instructions for an IKEA bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 208
You deserved it 5 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you expecting it to be a treasure map?


What were you really expecting out of it in the end? A sequel to the Diary of Anne Frank?

I would have hoped for Da Vinci's personal notebook, or even some of Teslas own notes which are believed to be missing. Those would be cool, not as cool as Batman (nothing is as cool as Batman), but still pretty cool.

i am sure from now on every look into that mirror will remind you of your stupid act

Look around some more, you might find some IKEA instructions on how to put your mirror back together! ;)

To be honest, I would've done the same just because I wouldn't be able to stifle my curiosity.

The real question is, why did the person who put those back there, do it? I think that's the true mystery! It wasn't a waste of time because either way, the person who hid those things knows something we don't.

I think the person did it originally to screw with the next owner of the mirror. He probably left the corner of the papers showing on purpose. Now it's only fair that Op put it back for whoever gets the mirror next and laugh at the thought of them doing the same thing op just did. And so the circle goes

they did it because the mirror was loose so they needed something in the back of it to keep it steady. I've done the same thing with some frames.

Well that's not very exciting. Way to ruin it for everyone 54!

rocker_chick23 27

Who knows, OP? There could be a code of some sort on the instructions or newspaper.

martin8337 35

Could have been the DaVinci codes.

Plot twist - the IKEA instructions aren't really for a bed, but for a very comfortable time machine. The person bought / assembled said time machine in 2007 and traveled back to the time this 'antique' was made, however in order to remember what day they travelled from, they brought a newspaper from that day to set the right date. Accidentally, during the painstaking task of making said antique, these instructions and paper were placed behind the mirror, and poor time traveller has to live the remainder of their days in the past.

Yes. That is what happened. I am that time traveler. Help! I'm stuck in 2014!! I'm from the year 2178! Someone send me hhoooommmmeee!

So is it a cheap knock-off or did the previous owner leave stuff in the back (for whatever reason)?

Sorry to hear that OP. Perhaps they were left there for other purposes...