By Derek Lee - 22/05/2011 13:53 - United States

Today, I sold my Xbox 360 on Craigslist. I met the dude at the mall. I gave him my Xbox and a handshake for buying. I left without the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 865
You deserved it 70 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not the brightest crayon in the box, are you?

juicedboi 7

At least you got a handshake for your xbox. Who needs money when you have bacteria from a stranger instead!


jerzeegal117 0

Sue him! you had a verbal agreement and u shook hands !

rrawrrrachel 0

nervous much? when ya relize you didn't have the money idiot ?

lol I just sold some subs on Friday.. met him at the mall. first thing I asked for was the cash. he counted it, I counted it, THEN I exchanged the subwoofers. use that brain of yours next time :P

harbqll 0

Why can't I ever run into idiots like you?

Hidan_fml 0

So you just basically went into the mall, gave him the Xbox, shook his hand, and walked out? How ******* retarded are you?

nicolangelo 5

you must smoke a lot of pot ;)

pot doesn't make you stupid, the guy forgot shit happens quit going on about him being stupid for forgetting. it's just an xbox anyway ps3 > xbox