By samboob - 01/09/2010 21:01 - United States

Today, I saw one of those candies that you spray on your tongue. Only after spraying some in my mouth did I find it was actually perfume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 109
You deserved it 44 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perfume oughta taste like it smells. but I suppose that'd taste terrible, too.


fake. unless your taste buds have a delay.

roydawgg 3

hahaa "passion fruit spray?" :) gotta love elf

mrshatch21 0

Ha, that happened to my friend, I laughed sooooo much. xD

Reminds me of that part in Elf where the lady in the store offers Buddy "passion fruit spray" and he sprays it in his mouth. XD

You're breath will smell nice. The taste, not so much.

if it still tasted good then no harm done

Perfume does have names like they are tastes