By samboob - 01/09/2010 21:01 - United States

Today, I saw one of those candies that you spray on your tongue. Only after spraying some in my mouth did I find it was actually perfume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 109
You deserved it 44 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perfume oughta taste like it smells. but I suppose that'd taste terrible, too.


TashaLenaKitty 0

MAYBE You should read the label OP,Just a thought.YDI

Lots of things are candy flavored or resembling nowadays. It's not OPs stupidity or anything, because not everyone reads every single thing on a product, usually just the name. FYL, OP, and all you guys with the same experience. :T

first of all, Ive never seen this spray candy stuff anywhere and I dont know about it. secondly, I cant get within two feet of perfume BECAUSE IT SMELLS LIKE PERFUME! which is usually a clue that it is perfume! ydi totally.

samboob 5

and the words body spray mean nothing or how about that catchy little French phrase eau de toilette. enjoy choking on substances you shouldn't ingest...bleach could be your next adventure.

glitchedgamer 0

The candy comes in cheap little plastic containers that say CANDY on them. Perfume doesn't. Dumbass.