By WiseGuy0481 - 19/12/2016 20:18 - United States

Today, I saw my ex-girlfriend leaving a store. She used to ridicule me for not making much money, but I now have a good job and a BMW. Trying to show off, I cranked up the music and drove by. She looked up right as I hit a car backing out of its parking space. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 576
You deserved it 11 334

WiseGuy0481 tells us more.

When we were together it was constant comments about how I was barely staying afloat and "how could I take care of her if I could barely take care of myself?". I was trying everything I could to make her happy but she would not let it go. It ended up being part of the reason we split. That was almost a year ago. I now work for a great company and make really good money. I just bought my car last month. I see her coming out of the store and all those talks came shooting back into my head. I just wanted her to see me happy and doing well....ok I wanted her to feel dumb and regret splitting up. Nevertheless I blared the music and slowly rolled right into a car backing out. Luckily it barely scratched it. I saw no regret in her eyes, laughter yes, regret no. So yes I deserved it. Karma sucks.

Top comments

You have to know that was a petty thing to do.

You deserved it, karma is a bitch, and also never try to show off like that. Good job on getting distracted whilst driving. Please pay more attention and don't try to show off, you should have taken the high road so you didn't end up hitting a car.


should Have a BMW with Autonomous driving Aid. But Karma is a Bitch.

Wow. I'm kind of stupefied at the fact she expects someone to "take care of her" financially. Maybe income/expenses are much nicer in your area, but where I live, someone who can afford a solo apartment (larger than a shoebox) is thought of as well off. Two incomes are what it takes to stay afloat. I hope she has some amazing other talents to make up for the fact some one needs to do the work for her.

good thing you're making money now. you can fix your idiotic mistake

ArbiterOfFML 24

well that's what happens to jerks trying to show off. YDI