By SuzyTurquoiseBlu - 29/08/2012 05:32 - Australia - Fairfield

Today, I received a call from my future sister in-law, telling me that she and her future husband had decided to hold their wedding ceremony on my birthday. I was told not to celebrate my birthday, as it would "take away the attention to the true meaning of the day." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 187
You deserved it 2 100

SuzyTurquoiseBlu tells us more.

Well, they aren't really liked in the family and I think that its both really rude and sad of them to try and piggy-back their special occasions with mine. My sister in-law and her fiancee got engaged in the waiting room while I was in ACTIVE labour with my daughter and got pissed off that everyone wasn't falling over themselves to congratulate them.

Top comments

What a bitch of her. It was your special day first, they can het hitched any other day.

Celebrate it anyways. I hate self centered people.


Dont celebrate on your birthday? ***** that.

chkoe96 5

Wow she's a bitch. Celebrate anyways.

Throw the biggest and best birthday party ever on your birthday!!!! :D I know I'd go! XP

The True meaning of the day is actually your birthday NOT her wedding. You were born on that day which makes it your day first.

The true meaning is I was born this day and you need to celebrate a different day. Plus who's to say you are even going to get married! Would have been my reply

Tell her to GTFO and change her wedding date. If she refuses, don't go and celebrate YOUR day.

Yup. It's you're birthday and has been for a long time. So throw a long party and take away from that bitches wedding. She's a horrible person.

Fukk that bitch!!! It IS your birthday, and if u give in to this then you'll have to pass on every birthday after because it'll be her wedding anniversary. Yah, fukk that bitch!!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

If you let her do the BS then every year of her anniversary she'll say the same thing. Just be straight up and tell her I can't promise you that because it's annual tradition for me to celebrate my birthday. It sounds like your sister-in-law doesn't like you. A week before or a week after would be just fine.

Why must you always bash OP when the Bride-to-be is the selfish one?

Shit, they deleted his comment. Never mind.

This FML made me sick to my stomach with sympathy. Some people are just so f*cking mean