By Choum - 07/11/2008 06:33 - France

Today, I realized that my ex has REALLY dumped me for a video game. And he will not change his mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 215
You deserved it 6 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol well video games dont bitch at you and try to change your entire personality

Slim_fml 0

that guy has to get his priorities straight!!!! and clearly, he has


and, why, exactly, do you want him back?? this guys is failing at life so bad that he dumps his gf for game!!! that's beyond sad!!

spikerhitz101 0

haha wow # 36 just made my day

i dumped my bf cos he chose his video games over me.i had no issue when i was busy or watching him play or even when he just wanted to play and i'd go do my own thing.but when i dressed in REALLY uncomforatble sexy lingerie he simply said "just let me finish the game and i'll be with you" 8 mins later i decided to go to sleep.(there was a counter on the game.) so you arent alone.(turns out the thing about nerds being sex crazed is wrong)

Not necessarily. Maybe the girls in these situations are ugly?

hahaha!!!! some girls might not be hot or appealing enough to get a guy off a game to bone them

I decided long ago to make a point to anyone that i intend to go out with that i am a gamer, and if they can't accept that then screw them, gaming is more important to some people than others, i for one am not a nerd, or a WoWtard, but i do like to game a lot, and i feel sorry for anyone who can't understand a gamer.

Because EVERYONE that plays WoW must have a raging addiction, and stay up all night with a 12-pack of mountain dew and pizza, and everyone who doesn't is an angel. Way to make sweeping generalizations, guys.

damn, that must've bean one good video game

I just play WoW with my girl, problem solved :P

unless it's call of duty. Have some fun with Price ;D

RKftw 0

be more entertaining than cod than you win

any doushbag that would do that is a worthless piece of air.....your better off!

jeffandjeff 22