By sheyshey0413 - 13/06/2011 17:05 - United States

Today, I realized that my boyfriend will only have sex with me if I am on my stomach and not revealing my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 034
You deserved it 6 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a nice boyfriend you've got there. You should find someone that appreciates you for more than just sex.

pablothepenguin 2

Your face is his **** block...?


ShammyGirl 0

um... that's a no bueno. you are worth a lot more than just a sex toy. next time make him wear a bag over his head or he doesn't get anything at all. but I hope you break up so there won't be a next time.

I know people who only like it like that and it wouldn't even work otherwise, so talk about it with gin.

sblylaw 0

bag it? :) you're missin out on some fun positions!

ujstgtpwnd73 0


in his defence, laying on ure stomach during sex makes it easier to hit your g spot? assuming he's big enough to reach anyway

sblylaw 0

let's hope he's big enough, if not find a MAN who likes your face:)

chalmers86 0

Have you ever considered he might just like it deep? The mother of all **** ups is assumption ... quit moaning here and open your mouth.

that sucks... but at least he can't see your face as you pretend to be having the big O :)

Tell him he should just to come to terms with his homosexuality. Then break up with him.