By sheyshey0413 - 13/06/2011 17:05 - United States

Today, I realized that my boyfriend will only have sex with me if I am on my stomach and not revealing my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 034
You deserved it 6 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a nice boyfriend you've got there. You should find someone that appreciates you for more than just sex.

pablothepenguin 2

Your face is his **** block...?


ShanieceRamirez9 0

whats his probb mayb he thinks hes havn an affair with someone else. if so i would find out

paradiseisland01 0

that's a bunch of bull crap , the only reason why he would say that crap , is because he's thinking of someone else, while there screwing around!

perdix 29

Hey, let's not be so hard on the OP. Maybe she's got a sexy back. (Cue up Justin Timberlake!) Or really ugly ****.

mismonroe 0

Maybe it's not your face, maybe you're just a little loose, and rear entry is tighter. That better? :)

PapaCool_fml 0

... I'm not going to help, see, but are u sure it is the face he don't want to seee or your tummy waves while he is banging you ...

mismonroe 0

Hey, real women have curves.

There is a difference between curves and waves of fat.

KimmyBEAR3 0

I'm sorry. but there's a very simple way to fix it. get a new boyfriend.

Maybe he just likes it doggy-style. Maybe it's the only way he knows how to have sex (since everything he knows about sex he learned at the zoo). Why don't you talk to him about it, before you assume he's got a problem with you?

i hope it only happened once then you broke up with him for it ! or not even happen cuz why would you go with it ? he just called you ugly !