By Anonymous - 24/10/2013 21:26 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I realized I have erectile dysfunction while drunk, and premature ejaculation while sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 942
You deserved it 6 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know if mixing Viagra with alcohol is a good idea.


Try using a **** ring. That helps with premature ejaculation.

Most guys have some sort of dysfunction when drunk !! But THEY seem to think they're Superman !!!

There. Is. No. Space. Between. The end of a sentence and the punctuation. Period.

Viagra? But for real though go to the doctor maybe they can help. Good luck

I suggest edging. I'm not sure if it is still called that...that's what I call it. It's masturbating until just before ******, stopping, taking a break, getting back up, and starting again, as many times as you can before you can't take it. If you go like 3 or 4 times, the last one is amazing.

Thr33to16 8

Has no one here heard of "whiskey dick"? Kids these days...

There are lubes and stuff to keep you from ejaculating too soon. And maybe ejaculate with your hand before intercourse. You'll be less sensitive. That is if you can still get it up. Good luck.

#whiskeydiiiick im pretty sure that's common

Don't take any numbing thing to last longer--what's the point in that? There are methods men can use to deal with premature ejaculation (and I agree, get your partner off before intercourse). As for drinking--well, the fact that you can't get it up drunk means you just can't drink and hope to get laid. Sorry, dude. But hopefully it will save you from morning after regret.

Well the drunk part is completely normal. But i agree with other posters. There are in between the extremes you know? FYL anyways b/c it sucks.